About Me
I was born in April 1977. I currently live in London, where I'm working as an independent programmer.
I am about 6ft 1in tall with short dark hair. I am usually seen wearing jeans and spectacles. I often sport a beard.
Labels and Tastes
My favourite foods are currently sushi, pizza, and sandwiches. I'm a non-militant vegetarian.
I don't care about sports. Yes, even Association Football. If you really need to, feel free to label me as a non-practising ethnic Southampton FC supporter.
My political views tend towards the Very Liberal. I think democracy is a good idea. My religious views are complex, but I guess it makes sense to label myself as Atheist.
I like a wide variety of music, particularly the works of Freezepop, The Prodigy, and naugties-era Radiohead.
I like science fiction. I sometimes attend the meetings of IFIS, a science fiction society, though not as often as I used to. Novel-wise, I heartily recommend Diaspora and Permutation City, both by Greg Egan. As this webpage goes to press, I'm reading Watchmen, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.
As for movies, I mostly go for heart-melting films like Amelie and Garden State, or brain-melting films like Primer or Adaptation.
I prefer dynamic programming languages (especially Python), but C can be fun too. I feel more comfortable with a UNIXy operating system than with the alternatives. I am happy to report that my main computer is a Mac.
In summary: nerd.
You can contact me by e-mail using the address shown in this picture.